Our Blog

Sit back, relax and catch up on some interesting ideas, articles and concepts about hypnosis and mental well being from researchers, practitioners and experts in this field



Is Hypnosis Magic

Stuart Heale chats to Hendrik Baird about his journey. He started believing there was real magic when he saw a magician when he was young, soon to be disillusioned when he learned the secrets of magic. His belief in magic was re-established once he learned how to help...

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Are Regressions Dangerous?

As a hypnotherapist, I hear many people sharing their apprehension and even fear about hypnosis – everything from losing control and looking ridiculous to revealing information that they wish to keep private or re-experiencing pain and trauma that might ruin their...

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Hypnosis and PTSD Part 3

Hypnosis Techniques for PTSD In Part 1 of this three part series, we looked at the history of hypnosis in the treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), starting with the work of Pierre Janet in the late nineteenth century and his work with dissociation. The...

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Hypnosis and PTSD Part 2

Part 2 – Understanding PTSD Introduction Part 1 of this three part series on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) looked at the history of how hypnosis has been used to treat trauma, specifically looking at the work of French psychologist Pierre Janet. The article...

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Is The Media Making You Sick

Understanding PLACEBO, NOCEBO and IMMUNITY  Imagine for a moment being that person with all the high risk factors that we have heard about ad nauseam, and you now test positive for Covid-19. Whether exhibiting symptoms or not, it must undoubtedly be a terrifying...

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