Hypnosis has changed over time

Welcome to our new format website. The “Find a Hypnotist” website was originally created by pro-active hypnosis practitioners to provide a one stop repository of information about hypnosis and contact details of participating practitioners within South Africa. In light of the passage of time and the changing circumstances in hypnosis, we felt that we should adapt and modernise the site.

We have tried to keep the site pleasing to the eye with simple navigation. If you are looking for a practitioner in your area you can find those who are listed by using one of the directories provided. If you are looking for a practitioner by name you can either use the “search bar” or the link to the full directory listing. The blogs, that will be uploaded regularly, and which experienced and expert practitioners will be invited to contribute to, are there to provide insights into current topical issues relevant to practitioners and other interested parties. We hope you enjoy reading them (and contributing in the future). The Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page is geared to assist in demystifying hypnosis and providing

further insights for non-practitioners and practitioners alike If you are, or were a practitioner you may recall being registered on the site previously. Maybe you want to register again, let us know! Use of the site is free for practicing hypnotists who are willing to share their contact details and relevant business links in the public domain.

Join our community today and help to further awareness of hypnosis in South Africa or simply browse the site for free and enjoy the interesting articles and information you may find.